It Can Happen Here Because it Has Happened HereNot so long ago, a bigot rabbi named Grama got a book published, people
saw its viscious racism and it got out on the Net; the Roshei yeshivah of Lakewood were called out to answer for it, and they 'condemn' it...(though some very-Establishment 'defenders' seemed to contradict those rabbis' "Daas Toyrah" and
not condemn the book - but
attack the Jewish reporting on it...)though it was
ALREADY known that one of those condemning it -
gave a haskamah to it! Among the haredim must be those who honestly think goyim are idiotic children. It has quietly faded into 'old news', even on the Anti-Semite sites (they went onto Noah Feldman's "Orthodox Paradox" piece, Rubashkin/Agriprocessors, Madoff, etc, etc).
What if something like this happens again, under this new administration...and a radical Leftist intern or arab-intern-influenced liberal senator were to point out "what the Talmud teaches about non-Jews" and therefore what "secretly influences the Israel Lobby and the NeoCons"...and therefore
why all committed jews should be suspect...what would happen?
Immediately, "Aish and associates" would offer its services - under strict counsel from those scholars in Torah they would uphold as
the Sages, and "refute" this challenge.
And almost on signal (because
our enemies know just what the rebuttals would be!!), sources culled from Daat Emet and Israel Shahak would magically appear in the inboxes of all the key journalists and politicians...and the Aish rebuttal would be exposed as a deliberate fraud (probably not far off the mark). And we'd plotz.
And just like that, America could change overnight.
HOW?!?...Because it happened already.
September 11th 2001,
all American muslim groups and individuals were suspect, felt threatened, had to prove their docility and patriotism -
1/5th of the world population, almost 50 nations of fellow Muslims the world over...and still American muslims, arguably more free and safe to practice their faith than anywhere else in the world - were terrified......Their Mosques 'surveilled', their organizations 'audited' for extremist views, their bank accounts frozen, etc, etc...
At roughly 13 million
the world over, with only one nation that's "Jewish" (at that, Israel is roughly
%40 Non-Jewish...), how would American Jews fair in their sense of security? American Muslims would be vindicated by the accusations currently being leveled at them by many Jews ("what Islam REALLY teaches about non-Muslims..." know the stuff)
...and here, it would be leveled
against Jews.
"And how can you be absolutely sure that even 'cultural' Jews/Muslims are being honest?"...
I'm not being facetious in juxtaposing Jews and Muslims above. But just notice how apprehensive
they've been since 9/11 - despite their position and influence in the world arena; in
America, arguably the "safest place for
quaked.But what about the memory of the Holocaust, to somehow prove that, as the perennial victims, there's nothing to fear from us and nothing for them to feel but pity?
There have been far too many other victims since the Holocaust for Jews to rely on the claim any longer. And Israel's enemies have, honestly, won the media war in portraying Jews as more complex than simply victims. We shouldn't be so comfortable.