Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Let's see if I can actually articulate this..

I have more difficulty defending or affiliating with a derech in Torah that, in expositing Torah faith and observance, systematically tolerates rational truth, the sciences, the best of Chokhmat ha Olam, humanitarianism, independence of mind, etc, as expounded within the general Mesorah (R. Slifkin and evolution are b'dievaad at best, Hirschian derech and Torah "had its day", voices of hashkafic pluralism themselves are tolerated, but not hashkafic pluralism as such [except maybe R. Lev Zeff as I recall], etc), than a derech in Torah that, in expositing Torah faith and observance, lauds all of the above - but tolerates irrational, ignorant, provincial, anti-goyishe attitudes and voices of authoritarianism from with the general Mesorah. Modern Orthodoxy is as tolerant of the Non-Observant/religiously-ignorant as any 'kiruv' setting, and only at the fringes could be accused of advocating possible transgression, let alone non-observance. Ideologically speaking, it cannot defend the lack of emphasis in Talmud Torah in the lives of it's laity...[still writing this post].


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