Tuesday, July 26, 2005


To continue this cartographic metaphor, it seems in comparing the Torah and Science maps, that the Science Map lacks a Legend (the thingy, usually in a bottom corner that has a compass, color codes, etc) - a key [read 'myth', in the sense of megameaning narrative, factual or otherwise] explaining the parameters of meaning for the various colors, systems and codes that we use to make the map say something to us. I don't mean that the Science Map lacks merely a path from "is to ought" ( the argument for the silence of science on moral issues) - it lacks justification for the scientific endeavor itself; why should we trust our basic reasoning skills? Or our senses? Why should we trust that the world makes sense? These are missing on the Science map - and require that you refer to the Torah map (or at least the Worldview Atlas, where many maps share generally similar keys), for basis in making these decisions.

With obivous caveats on the Chabad source (to placate Anonymous Student), there are a great many concepts noted on the much- earlier Torah Map that have taken millenia for the Science Cartographers to arrive at regarding temporal reality. At times, Torah Cartographers have moonlighted as Science Cartographers; Rambam is the obvious example. Rambam's mapping had very strong influence on Leibniz, who had extensive notes in his Latin edition of Moreh Nevukhim, particularly in sections dealing with observation and testing of phenomena. maybe more later.


At 7/27/2005 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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